Saturday, February 13, 2010

Week 3, Post 3: "Types of Norms"

3). Pick one concept from either text, not already discussed, that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

The topic I found to be most interesting, out of the topics that haven't been taken, is chapter three's Types of Norms section. I'll discuss explicitly- and implicitly-stated norms.

As Harris (2008) says, "An explicit norm is outlined in either written or oral form as a policy or group sanctioned procedure" (p. 47). As the examples that follow that quote in the book demonstrate (required attendance, dress standards, or due dates), this type of norm is one that would be found in a type of business setting or at a school. Upon getting hired for a job, the manager orally goes over the required dress code, specific policies of the company, late attendance/tardiness consequences, etc - some of which is displayed in print on the application. In a school/college setting, this kind of information would be found on the syllabus (even the dress code example in certain instances, such as a physical education course, where you would be required to wear loose-fitted clothing), as well as be communicated orally by the instructor.

An implicit norm, as said by Harris (2008), "is an unstated preference of the group such as being courteous, bringing snacks, or doing a good job, but cannot usually be clearly identified by looking at the group's written guidelines or formal operating procedures" (p. 47). While group norms in terms of close friendships can be stated orally, usually however group norms in these situations are "unwritten/unsaid rules," sort to speak. Even some people in this class this week have said some of their group norms are being friendly, courteous, and/or respectful toward each other and that these norms are simply implied and not brought up.

The book says when someone in a group interrupts someone or brings up a taboo topic (i.e. violates a norm) everyone either gets silent or responds negatively (p. 48). This statement is true for both settings – business and personal/group of friends.

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