Tuesday, January 26, 2010

First One; Introduction of Myself

Hey everyone, :)

Well, this semester thus far has definitely been easier to get my classes than last. Last Fall I had to go into about four classes to try to add before I finally found out (that I needed) that had room. This semester I'm just trying to get into one more class - to finish off my minor.

Anyway, my name's John, full-time student - senior, comm major with a minor in a correlation of business and theater art classes.

I have four classes right now, trying to get that fifth for my minor this Thursday. These include a PE class for a second required unit of Kin., the music class that satisfies the Area V, this class, and comm199c. I'm also doing the two-units for comm198. I'm due to graduate this May, so we'll see what happens.

This is my second online class I've taken at SJSU, first one being last semester - comm105p. Majority of classes here for me have been on-campus, and the one online class I took was strictly online meaning no f2f meetings throughout the semester. I like the online classes, and the main reason is because you get to go to "class" wherever you want as long as you have a computer: your bed, a coffee shop, friend's house, the student union, etc. Really convenient.

My 'communication experience' goes back to West Valley where I took lower division communication classes, such as public speaking, interpersonal communication, intercultural communication, improving relationships, etc. They made me know I wanted to be a comm. major at SJSU. What I hope to get out of this class is continuing to advance my communication knowledge, specifically with group communication as effectively communicating with others in groups is very important.

Some of my interests include playing basketball, working out, watching movies, youtube, playing Wii/Xbox/PS with my friends, and occasionally going on and hitting the clubs to relax and dance.

I look forward to reading y'alls intros and working with you this semester - good luck!

-John (JPPS2010)

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